Now accepting new clients in California
The Therapy Co.

My mission is to shake
things up
and redefine what it
means to go to therapy

The Therapy Co.

Individual Therapy

Therapy is badass. Yeah, I said it.

It really is and I love that you’re here. It’s a space that’s literally all about YOU. I want you to feel understood, seen, and valued when we work together. During this process you get the opportunity to really understand yourself, your patterns, gain insight, navigate trauma, create change, find acceptance, and grow. Whether this is your first time in therapy or you’re a seasoned-pro, you’re totally welcome here.

In our sessions, it’s all about your story, your journey, and your process. Life throws all kinds of experiences our way - some amazing, some awful, and plenty in-between. I'm all about empowering you to not only acknowledge but also embrace your unique story and experiences. That doesn't mean loving every part of it, but rather finding acceptance and moving forward by moving through it.

You can expect that chatting with me will feel casual and relatable, while still remaining professional. Subjectively speaking, I might even be considered funny sometimes. Ultimately, I am here to help empower you, cheer you on, and support you along the way.
The Therapy Co.


Where we look affects how we feel

Everything is connected. Brainspotting is a brain-based therapy that works by using both the brain and the body. During brainspotting, we are able to access an area of the brain that we cannot access during traditional talk-therapy. Essentially what that means is, we cannot talk our way out of what we need to release through the body. Our brains are super amazing but when we experience something traumatic, it can overwhelm our brain’s ability to cope and process, resulting in pieces of the unprocessed experiences frozen in time and space. Just as amazing though, your brain can also heal. By keeping your gaze on a specific external eye position, you can maintain focus on a specific internal spot where trauma has been stored, and from there, deeply and mindfully process to release what the brain and body have been holding onto.

I integrate a lot of Brainspotting with many of my clients, and let me tell you - it's been a game-changer. Ultimately, because brainspotting accesses a deeper part of the brain (subcoritcal), it then takes us less time to get to the core issue and has the ability to heal faster than what talk therapy can provide. Some people choose to brainspot more often, while others mix it up with regular talk-therapy sessions. What's cool is the flexibility—it's all about finding what works best for you. We can use it as much or as little as feels right for you.
The Therapy Co.

Clinical Supervision

If you're an associate social worker in California looking for clinical supervision, I might just be your girl! I offer both individual and triadic supervision and am all about supporting you on your growth to becoming an LCSW. We'll help you with refining your clinical skills, tackling ethical dilemmas, crisis intervention, and more. It's a safe space where we collaborate on cases, find your authentic therapy style, and navigate the twists and turns of licensure. I have experience working in the Child Welfare Services system, as a high school, school social worker, and private practice. I can’t wait to hear what your goals are and to see if we’d be a good fit.

The Therapy Co. Space

While our sessions may be fully virtual, I don’t compromise the experience of what you get when you’re “in” my office. I wanted to create a space that’s full of support, mostly well-cared for plants (I do my best), accountability, good tea (both verbal and herbal) and big empathy energy®. I can’t wait for you to experience it!