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The Therapy Co.

Therapy for Anxiety

Do you find yourself constantly worrying? Asking yourself, “what if…” followed by worst-case scenario situations? Do you feel that tightness in your chest at the thought of an upcoming event,  or do you feel a relentless and nagging dread that something bad is going to happen – even when everything is seemingly okay? Anxiety is so much more than just feeling stressed or a bit nervous—it can interfere with your daily life, your relationships, and let’s be real - make it difficult to function. It’s kind of like having a faulty alarm system in your brain that goes off, loud and clear, when really there’s no actual danger or threat. 

Anxiety Can Show Up As:

- Persistent worry and fear
- Physical symptoms like: A racing heart, sweating, shortness of breath, restlessness, headaches, nausea, or shaking 
- Avoidance of certain situations or places 
- Experiencing panic attacks
- Sleep disturbances 
- Difficulty concentration
- Irritability

Let me first start off by normalizing that anxiety at its core is trying to keep you safe, but it gets it wrong sometimes. Think of it as a faulty smoke detector. You’re over there cooking dinner and all of a sudden, your smoke detector starts going off. While there isn’t an actual fire, your smoke detector thought that there is and is doing it's best to let you know. That’s kind of what your brains does when it comes to anxiety – It’s trying to protect you, but sometimes it gets it wrong.
How Therapy for Anxiety Can Help
At The Therapy Co., I really understand the impact that anxiety can have on your life. I’ve even had my share of it! My goal is to get to the root of the anxiety you’re experiencing and provide you with the support and tools you need to manage it. Together, we’ll identify patterns and ways to support your nervous system and help you find more peace of mind while reducing the impact that anxiety is having on your life. In addition to talk therapy, I also incorporate approaches like brainspotting that offer alternative paths to healing and rewiring the brain. This approach can be really helpful in addressing anxiety. 

You don't have to face your anxiety alone. I help provide a supportive and non-judgmental space where you can express your concerns and fears openly.
About Elyce Mandich, LCSW
I provide online therapy for clients in California and specialize in support with anxiety. My therapeutic approach is deeply influenced by my personal experiences and over a decade of supporting people in navigating through the human experience. Through these experiences, I’ve learned the importance of empathy, human connection, and cultivating a sense of belonging. My approach is tailored to each individual, recognizing that while our experiences are unique, the need for understanding and belonging is not – that’s something we all want and deserve.

My goal is to empower you to not only acknowledge but also embrace your unique story and experiences. This journey involves finding acceptance and moving forward by navigating through your challenges. Together, we can navigate the challenging but rewarding experience towards healing through:

- Empathetic engagement to foster a strong therapist-client connection
- Evidence-based practices to address and manage anxiety
- Strategies and support that empower you make changes in your life
The Therapy Co.